Kingthar Institute is a non-profit educational institution based at the Monastery of Kingthar Dhamma Premises in Rathedaung, Northern Rakhaing State, Western Burma supported by grants and donations from institutional and individual donors. Our mission is to promote education for peace and development for the benefit of all especially for the youth not only in Rathedaung, but in the region as well.
We are proud to be able to provide the youths with quality education. Our staff is dedicated to perform our best.
As a non-profit educational institution, the support we receive from our donors is very valuable. People or organizations supporting funds will receive a certificate of appreciation for their commitment to KI and support of youths’ educational needs in Rathedaung and in the region as well.
Please be assured that we will respect your right to privacy. KI does not provide details of donations to any third party.
So far, the most basic and urgent
necessary infrastructure for the establishment of our institution is a Major
Building for the teaching and learning process. Whoever is kindly
encouraged to contribute to take part in it. ေက်ာင္းေတာ္ျဖစ္ေျမာက္ေရးအတ
Thank you again for your support and encouragement.
The KI
For further clarifications on the project, you may ask directly to the Director of the Institute personally. The followings are his facts.
Sara Dr. Twan Twan Soe
Monastery of Kingthar Dhamma
Circular Road, Taung-run-tan Quarter,
Rathedaung, Nothern Rakhaing State,
Western Myanmar (Burma)
Myanmar H/P: +95 9440224439
Kingthar Institute
Monastery of Kingthar Dhamma Premises,
Circular Road, Taung Run Tan Quarter,
Rathedaung, Northern Rakhaing State,
Western Myanmar
General: +95 9421741973
Director of Academics and Management: +95 9440224439
Registrar: +95-
Bursar: +95-
Librarian : +95-
The library of the Kingthar Institute is a research Library and it is by far one of the most resourceful information centers in the region with full of academic references, specifically in the fields of Buddhist and English studies. History of the school library goes back to Sri Lanka because most of the books were collected in Sri Lanka during the studying time of the Former Chief Incumbent of the Monastery Venerable Dr. Ashon Nyanuttara. The main purpose of the KI library is to provide a quality service to support the teaching and research needs of the KI faculty, scholars, and student teachers. The collection building manner of the library is mainly devoted to Buddhism and its sectarian divisions.
Major Courses
Civic Education Courses
Community Engagement Initiative
Basic English through Buddhism
Discovering Buddhism
Introduction to Buddhist Literature
Certificate Course in Buddhist Studies
Diploma in Buddhist Studies
Certificate Course in English
Diploma in English
Additional Programmes
Social Management Course
Course for Art of Translation
Intensive Training for BEHS English Teachers
Teaching BEHS Courses
Conducting Intensive Courses for UDE Students
Conducting Applied Abbhidhomma Courses for Adults
Arranging General Conversation Classes (Occasionally)
Conducting Insight Meditation Courses for both children and adults
A 10-week course designed to provide guidance to participants on how key aspects of the Buddha’s teachings apply in our daily lives. Suitable for those who wish to know more about the basics of Buddhism.
1st Week: Buddhism as We See It Today
- General Concepts – Religion or Atheistic
- Comparison with other spiritual movements
- Its relevance in today’s secular context
2nd Week: The Founder
- Life of Gotama the Buddha
- His lifelong work
- His contribution to the world
- Significance of Buddhahood
3rd Week: The Core Teachings
- Why the teaching of the Four Noble Truths
- Understanding the concept of suffering
- How to cope with today’s context
4th Week: The Doctrine (I)
- The Tipitaka (3 Baskets)
- Evidence of authenticity – historical
5th Week: The Doctrine (II)
- 3 characteristics of existence
- Concepts of 5 aggregates
- The theory of Kamma & Rebirth
6th Week: The Moral Development
- The five, eight and ten precepts
- The Triple Gem
- Taking the precepts
- Leading a moral life
7th Week: The Path
- The Middle Path
- The three aspects of the Path
- The methodology to escape from rounds of rebirth
- Mind transformation – Meditation
8th Week: The Middle Doctrine
- Doctrine of Dependent Origination
- Applications & implications to a modern lifestyle
9th Week: The Facets of Buddhism
-A look at Theravada, Mahayana and Vajirayana concepts & teachings
- Rituals, ceremonies and culture
10th Week: Facing the World
- Applying Buddhism in modern day setting
- Looking into human lifespan in the Buddhist context
- Tackling death and the dying process
Taught Subjects
Basic Buddhism (Religious, Cultural and Philosophical Studies) and Basic English Language (Four Skills).
Text Books
Buddhism: A Graduated Course (Grade 1-8) by Kirama Wimalajothi Thera Published by Buddhist Cultural Centre, New-Headway (Beginner & Elementary) by Liz and John Soars, Published by Oxford University Press.
Three Months
Research Assistants
Seim Lann Aung B.A. (English)
Moung Saw Nai B.A. (Myanmar)
Twan Murn
Thein Htay Nai
Than Than Soe